Peppermint White Russian Cocktail Recipe || Mix it Up! with Table & Vine Fri, Apr 12, 24 | mix it up Mix It Up! with Table & Vine Peppermint White RussianWith three types of alcohol‚ including peppermint schnapps, Kahlua, and vodka‚ this wintry drink is strong but tasty. Serve it with candy canes for extra holiday flare and minty flavor. Ingredients: 1 oz vodka1 oz kahlua1 oz peppermint schnapps3 oz half and halfgarnish crushed candy canes Rim Instructions: Combine crushed candy canes and 1 tbsp sugar granulated sugar in a small bowl and mix well to combine.If desired, rim the top of each glass with candy cane and sugar mixture and fill with ice. Instructions: Fill a cocktail shaker with Peppermint Schnapps, Kahlua, vodka and ice.Shake well until combined and cold. Pour into prepared glass and top with desired amount of half-and-half or whole milk.Garnish with crushed peppermint rim. Watch Video By Table & Vine Tags: vodka cocktails